Wednesday, April 29, 2009


it Is.

Is was on my mind, dying to get out, only Is was made upside down from the inside out and I had no idea what Is was until I turned Is around. Then I added some blades of grass. Then posted Is the wrong side down.....


Anonymous said...

what is is? it looks like a giant pink blob. Eric

Anonymous said...

it is what it it what is it??

you see a giant pink blob so that's what is is. You see?

Trish said...

Kinda looks like how i have been feeling....this was my first thought

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see. Is is Very nice then indeed.

Anonymous said...

I think "is" looks like a geisha...
and i think she's beautiful :)

<3 Manda

Tracey Latorelli said...


Abstract is abstract and this is definitely abstract. This is why nobody really understands it...including me.

Yet, it's strangely magnetic and appealing to me. I try to figure out what I see; I've figured out it's a woman....distorted view, but definitely a woman.

Truly different, and fresh concept.
I think it's all you and says much about your art effort. Try something different. Don't fear new ideas, and sometimes you just need to let your hands lead you...right?

I agree, and Is is just right...

Love you,