Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lilith Rose


Tracey Latorelli said...

Hey, Babes:

I reeeeelly like this one !

This is beautifully done and completely different from anything you've worked before. The owl is painted as though you've been doing birds your entire life....the egg and rose works to complete the message!

I envy your ability to render new creation. It makes me want to work in new realms of creativity for my pieces. New ideas don't come easily for me, but your work lends new courage and creates for me a sense of "I can do it, too".

Manda's photography and eye for color, Eric's keyboard playing and love for music, and your paintings......Sharing the arts with you guys is a gift I hadn't anticipated......a beautiful feeling. Thank you.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

she could be

BeLLaDoNna said...

You have made something truly beautiful...

and SHE will be...
