Monday, June 9, 2008

Small Embrace

Holding one of my favorite possessions. It's a wooden carving of a faceless man and woman sitting in an embrace. It reminds me of how, sometimes, beautifully vulnerable all are we. At one time or another. Instead of using color, I decided to represent it with simple, black, magic marker.

1 comment:

Tracey Latorelli said...

Well done! Evocative piece - the symbolism in this piece is astounding. It could be saying so many things....

...two smaller beings nested in the palm of a much larger hand.
.....faceless figures; embracing.
......the large hand; a woman's.
........and done in silhouette.

All of this well-spoken and gracefully communicated.

When I see this piece...I'm moved in many ways.

Beautiful, beautiful job, Amy.

You continue to impress...